Amanda Miller | Boerne
Masters Level Graduate Student Rate: $65

“Life is hard but not impossible.” - August Wilson

True, but I also think life is so full of opportunities for growth, hope, and redemption! When accepting this truth, we have the choice to acknowledge that we have the power and responsibility to make life better. It's then that we can restore the beauty within our stories. Together we can walk through the brokenness and pain.

I don't think asking for help makes you weak -it makes you brave! If you’re looking for a nonjudgmental, safe, compassionate environment founded on trust and connection, you’re in the right place. I am passionate about helping you overcome, reach your goals, and navigate your story and all the feelings that come with it. Wherever you find yourself in this journey through life - I am here for it! I would be honored to walk with you as you bravely embark on a path that leads to redemption, restoration, resilience and renewed belief in the innate goodness and fullness of life that awaits you. I am a Masters Level Graduate Student supervised by Jessie Hull LPC.